Spark Your Inner Fire Toward a Higher Version of Self

Coaching Services

  • 1:1 Coaching

    Unlock your true potential. Dive deep and meet weekly one-on-one to explore your true purpose, establish a strong foundation, and make steady progress toward your vision.

  • Full Day Session

    Invest in yourself with a comprehensive, in-person, full-day coaching session designed to help you build a strong foundation and confidently set a clear vision for your life.

  • Group Coaching

    Join a remarkable group of men in weekly guided sessions to support each other on their individual journeys toward building solid foundations and pursuing their visions with confidence.

  • "It was a pivotal moment in my personal journey. It pays dividends to truly know yourself and to identify previous damaging moments. Phil has helped me move past those moments, and truly become a better version of myself. I am a different person now versus prior."


  • "Phil is one of the most dedicated and passionate people I know. With deep understanding and enthusiasm for men's mental health, he is truly a wealth of knowledge and is eager to share that knowledge to help others better themselves."


Frequently Asked Questions About Coaching Services

  • Men’s coaching is a personalized and goal-oriented process that helps men navigate various aspects of their lives, such as personal growth, relationships, career, and well-being. Our coaches work with you to identify your goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life. Many elites and highly successful people hire coaches to help them push through obstacles and guide them to their own path towards a higher version of self!

  • Coaching differs from therapy or counseling in its focus on the present and future rather than the past. While therapy addresses mental health issues, our coaching concentrates on building your vision, grounding yourself to your purpose, and improving overall life satisfaction.

  • Part of your application process will include an initial call. During this initial call, you will get an understanding of the coaching plan and feel for the coaching style. You can discuss your preferences that are best suited to support your journey. Not every client is a good match for Grounded Warrior’s coaching style, and that is ok! You need to make sure that you find a good coach and coaching style that best suits you and your own, unique self.

  • Coaching sessions are confidential and tailored to your specific needs. We will ask powerful questions to help you gain clarity and create action plans to reach your objectives. But you will be expected to put in the work to make the lasting changes you will need to become a higher version of self.

  • Both group and 1:1 coaching occur once a week for a single 60-minute session. There are immersive full-day sessions that last around 10 hours. This can be subject to change.

  • Usually, 3-6 months, but the duration of a coaching program varies depending on your goals and needs. Some clients benefit from just a few sessions, while others may need longer-term coaching support. Our coaches will work with you to determine a suitable timeframe for your coaching journey.

  • We offer both in-person and virtual coaching sessions, depending on your location and preferences. Virtual coaching allows for greater privacy, flexibility, and accessibility, making it easier to fit sessions into your busy schedule. While in-person coaching is usually available for full-day sessions, if you are in the area of your coach, you can agree to meet in person.

  • This depends on the level of commitment you have to yourself to change and on the level of work you are willing to put in. Life does happen and can stall our progress, but we can recalibrate and continue forward. Typical clients see real change in 2-3 months, usually during the timeframe it takes for new habits and routines to stick.

  • While there is no long-term commitment or contract required, we ask you to commit to a reasonable duration of coaching sessions to fully benefit from the coaching process, usually around 3-6 months. We also offer discounts for clients who choose to commit for 3 to 6 months durations but month to month options are also available.

  • We ask that you strive to keep your commitments but understand that life can be unpredictable. If you need to reschedule or cancel a session, please inform your coach and use the reschedule link in your coaching invite as soon as possible.

  • If you have put in the work and feel that our coaching sessions are not progressing you in the direction you truly want and need to, please get in touch with your coach or email us at